Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How do I...? (1)

How do I do [x] on the Chromebook?

1. How do I change user settings?
A - Go to the spanner picture near the top right corner. Choose settings. There's a bunch of different settings you can change (e.g., homepage, touchpad settings, etc.)

2. The touchpad is stupid! How do I make it click when I tap on the pad?
A - In settings, under "Systems", there is a "Tap-to-click" option. Yay!

3. How do I allow music to continue playing if I want to close the lid?
A - I'm not sure... let me know if this is possible! My guess is no.

4. Where are my del, pgdn, pgup, home, end keys?
A - Good question!

5. How do I browse between tabs on Chrome if I don't have pgdn pgup buttons?
A - Another good question!

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