Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Initial gripes

1. There are no pgdn, pgup, home, end buttons. This makes navigating a spreadsheet difficult.
2. There are no F- function keys. So, I can't F2 to edit a formula.

These would not be so frustrating, except that Chrome should be totally keyboard-ready. But how do I close a tab using keyboard if I can't do Ctrl-F4? What about moving between tabs if I don't have Ctrl-pgup, Ctrl-pgdn?

Google... give me answers!

Edit: Ok, found this page that answers a lot of questions about keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl-Tab for tab navigation (similar to IE)
Ctrl-Alt-Up for home (Down for end). Terrible!!

Q: How do I take screenshots?
A: Ctrl-F5 (the window changing button) apparently. And IrfanView has an app on the Chrome Webstore. Joy!

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